Oh my stars! I can't believe that there are only 18 more days until Christmas!! The plan was to get all of our Christmas decorations up this weekend. We kind of got it done....
My weekend started with a trip to Hobby Lobby. I wanted some ornaments to fill my covered jars. I saw something similar in my Re.al Simple magazine . I wanted to try something new this year. So here's my before:
Here's my after. Pine cones with berries in one, extra small ball ornaments from HobLob in another and regular size ball ornaments in the third one. The two ornaments on the table are candles that My Sweetheart bought for me a couple of Christmas' ago when we went down to Tempe Town Lake and did some shopping on Mill Ave. I think I may add some more greenery and candles or I may just leave it as is. I also need to add my Christmas plates.
My Christmas village is up and the townspeople are having a blast. I have to figure out a way to connect the cords for the lights in the back in a way that doesn't look messy. I will figure that one out this weekend. Until then, the townspeople are in the dark. Note: if you look closely at the far right, you will notice My Sweetheart's contribution to my village. He added Darth Vader to the village.....
My coffee table centerpiece sans the lights I bought to light it up. I bought a battery operated string of lights to add to my centerpiece thinking it would make it look stunning. I bought the wrong size batteries for it so this too will have to wait until this coming weekend to be complete.
Our nativity scene. Need more greenery and lights.
While I am inside creating a mess, My Sweetheart was outside mowing the lawn while Grievous acted as supervisor.By the way, we got the Christmas tree up. And by "we" I mean "he". We got the lights on it too. But that was it. We were supposed to decorate the tree tonight but by the time we got home from work...we were too tired. So it will have to wait too. And My Sweetheart got the lawn figures up and the bush and tree lights up. But the house trim lights will have to wait for this weekend. P.S. I had to sneak in a trip to Kohl's nightowl sale. I got the greatest sales for me and my Sweetheart. Oh, I didn't get anything for anyone of my Christmas list either...
It was cold in Phoenix today. It was 55 degrees and it rained most of the day. For us native Arizonans, that COLD! :) Anyway, it made for a nice, cozy night. I came home and put on my pj's and my warm slippers and watched Lifetime and worked on my blog.
Hopefully we will get it all done this coming weekend! Have a wonderful week!