Monday, November 16, 2015

Recycled Wreath and another Basket

Am I the only one that loves front door wreaths?  I mean, I really love them!  I have a different wreath for every occasion and even non-occasion.   I always have a wreath on my door.    It drives my sister crazy.   In fact, she loves to mock my wreath obsession.   That does not stop me from adorning my front door with a new one at least eight times a year.   

A couple weekends ago I put this one on the front door:

It's a simple one, but lovely nonetheless.   Since I still have that painting situation going on I didn't put any Halloween decor out nor will I be putting any Thanksgiving decor out.   I'm okay with that because holiday decorating is not conducive with what's going on the main rooms right now.   But I'm not okay with having the same wreath on the front doors for months on end.  So I decided to repurpose the wreath I had hanging on the door.   And it didn't cost me a thing.  I took apart the wreath I had on the door and shopped my craft room for the rest.   After it was all done I added a chalkboard tag on it to give it the perfect finish:

 I've said it once, I'll say it again.  Little things make me happy.

And speaking of happy, remember the basket tray that I bought at Joanne's to corral my spoons and such?  I ran out that same weekend and bought another one to house the doggie treats.

I actually combined two areas.  Doggie treats (and human treats) and the key basket all in one:

Another win.   It keeps the counters clean and Sweetheart really is a good sport about respecting my love of organizing and neatness.  He just goes with the flow and pretends to really love it.  I know that he could care less but I love that he pretends.  :)

p.s.  progress in the painting situation.  I've started the primer process.....