Tuesday, July 3, 2012

30 Day Challenge - Day 3

Well, day three is finally over!  Whew, what a tough one!  I anticipated that today's challenge would be a little bumpy because it's the day before the holiday.   The day before a holiday at work is always a lax day so I went in this morning with a plan of attack.  It was touch and go and I stressed out in the afternoon because I felt I would run out of time.  In the end, I did it and I'm pretty proud of myself for it!  Funny side note:  at our meeting today my manager asked us if we were "still going strong" on our goal and we all  nodded in agreement that we were.  Then he said "great you've surpassed most new year's resolutions!".   We all laughed, but I thought, I think I may fall into that "new year's resolutions" category....

Fast forward to the end of day.  I asked Sweetheart to remind me of the challenge if he sees me falling into my old "day before the holiday" habit of watching TV until way beyond what would be my normal workday bedtime.  So after dinner (which I prepared -- I put a roast and vegetables in the slow cooker before I left for work this morning) I picked up my book, set my alarm and read for 45 minutes.  I foresee this challenge making a new person out of me.  Never in the past would I pick reading over watching the many recorded shows on the DVR.  I am really enjoying this.

So after my quick book reading -- which happens to be very relaxing for me -- I put my workout clothes on and got started!  I added 1 pound walking weights to my workout, which really got my heart rate going.  I also watched Design Star as I did my workout.

By the way, when I went to "X" out today's date, I realized I was off with my days.  Oops.  I'm good now though:

P.S.  When I got home from work today, this is what I found on the kitchen table:

Why, yes, that is a big pack of fireworks.  Fireworks that I told Sweetheart were not a good idea to buy.  Fireworks that I told Sweetheart that would an incredible waste of money.  Fireworks that Sweetheart was so excited about I simply could not be angry with him.  And trust me, I tried.  He had a sparkle in his eye and said "this is yours and this is mine and this one you can light and this one I will light....".  He's lucky he's so adorable.   Any guess on what we'll be doing tomorrow night?  :)

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