Wednesday, July 11, 2012

30 Day Challenge - Day 11

This one is going to be quick and easy.  Day 11 was a cinch.  Work was good; challenge met.  I got home late but I jumped on the treadmill and did my thing; home challenge met!  I actually greet each day with a smile because I know that I have a challenge waiting for me.  It is such an amazing feeling.  

I watched Design Star tonight as I did my workout.  As I alternate running and walking I need to keep rewinding if I miss what is said while I'm trying to catch my breath after the "run" part.  It's pretty comical because after a few times doing that, Sweetheart always shouts out from the other room "didn't you watch that already?".  Ha!  He has no idea how hard it is to be me.  :)

They were down to the final four on this episode and Mikel was the one that was sent home!  At this point, I'm excited for the final three -- good luck to Hilari, Danielle and Britany!  By the way, I'm such a sap that I actually cry at this point in the competition as contestants start to get eliminated.   Who does that??

Today was pretty easy.  Tomorrow presents a challenge for both work and home.  But I already have a plan in place -- no worries!

Day 11 and I'm feeling pretty confident.  

Tomorrow we are going to a private screening of a movie.  The company where Sweetheart works rents out the entire theatre room for their employees.  We have been to the movies more this year than all the six years that we have together!  We normally wait for the movie to come out on video because we both despise movie theatre noise -- you know the talking and the chomping of food and the kids crying or talking, etc.  Anyway, we get to watch these movies for free plus they give us free popcorn and a $20 gift certificate for soda and stuff!   And since it's people he works with, the "noise" is usually not a big issue!  We do have to listen to a brief presentation prior to the movie from one of the vendors that sponsors the event but that's not a big deal.  They give door prizes during the presentation so the entire event is win-win! :)

This is what we are in store for tomorrow:

This means I will need be up early tomorrow morning so I can get my workout in before work because we'll probably be home late and I have a very early morning on Friday.  Whew!  I'd better get to bed!

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