Happy New Year! Wow, 2011 already! I can't believe a whole year has passed. So much happened that I am in some ways glad to see it over and in another just sad that it has all come and gone. I know that 2011 will be better!~
I have been off of work for the past 5 days. That is the most time off I have had since 2009. I used all my vacation time to help care for my dad in Tucson so I never took consecutive days off. It was much needed time off. My Sweetheart also had the time off so we spent quality time together....it was very nice.
We spent today taking down all of the Christmas decorations. It took most of the morning, but we watched a movie during the first part so it was a nice, relaxing time. After we took everything down, the rooms seemed very plain to me. Since October we have had decorations in the
kitchen, living room, dining area and entrance way. To go back to the normal stuff is hard to handle. My Sweetheart even made a comment about it....he notices these things?? Anyway, at this point I became
very ambitious. I decided to make new curtains for the kitchen. I was tired of these yellow ones I made last year
here in July. So I decided to tackle the job.
I bought new fabric a couple of weeks ago when I saw it on sale at Joanne's. I was thinking kitchen curtains but wasn't sure. I decided tonight that kitchen curtains it would be. So here's my finished product:
I like them so much better than the yellow ones. I am aware that they are not the most elaborate of curtains. Nonetheless, I like them. They are simple. And I like simple.
After I did that,
Vodka Cranberry in hand, I thought the entrance table looked drab. So I decided to embellish the plain cream candles I had on the table with some jute string. I used a thumb tack to secure the string. I didn't want to commit to
using glue on the entire candle since I didn't know how it would look:
It turned out better than I thought it would. I even got the thumbs up from My Sweetheart:
Oh and this last picture is one of my fav's. It's My Sweetheart, aka My Grisly Bear. His Fantasy Football team made it to the playoffs so he didn't want to shave until the end so he wouldn't jinx it. I'm totally serious.
Looking forward to 2011!~