Monday, January 31, 2011

Costco and my new lamps

Anyone else go to Costco and end up with a LOT of stuff? HA! I stopped by on Saturday and stocked up on everything. I love their fruit and veggies. I bought a box of oranges -- they are delicious -- and didn't have anywhere to put them so I arranged them on a platter. I warned my Sweetheart not to pull an orange from the bottom layer:

I bought chocolate Cheerios (for me), Quaker Oats (for my Sweetheart), some Wheat Thins and some Triscuits:

I bought fruit and fresh veggies. I also bought chicken, turkey and pork. The fridge is full:

My Sweetheart loves it when I go to Costco and stock up. I love it because it makes me feel like my kitchen is a well oiled machine: I have all I need to take care of my Sweetheart!

On another note, I found these cool lamps to place atop of the media center. This little nook that houses the media center doesn't have any type of lighting. Although it's just a small area (in relation to the room), I always felt it should have some type of make it more inviting. I thought these "uplights" would do the trick:

I love they way they look! They add just the right amount of light!

p.s. That's Judd Nelson on the screen. I had DVR'd the 1989 film "Relentless" and was watching it last night when I decided to take photos of my new lamps. My Sweetheart will never understand my love of 80's flicks -- he thinks I'm weird!

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