Tuesday, June 8, 2010

It was a chicken

So as I drive into my parent's driveway today, I see a chicken walking down the street. They live in the city, not in the country. I took a double look -- yes, it was a chicken. So I get inside the house and I say to my dad, "there's a chicken out there". He said, "yeah, it's the neighbor's".

So after I fixed my dad's breakfast, I went out looking for it. I wanted to take a picture of it so I could send it to my Sweetheart. You know, to show him, that there was a chicken walking down the street. I looked down the street, in the front yard, the back yard and in the side neighbor's hard. Nothing. Then I realized as I went out the front door, it locked behind me. So I went around to the back and I found that the back door was locked too. So not only did I not find the chicken, I had to ring the bell to be let back in and explain that I was looking for the chicken. Embarrassing, right?

Then, as we head out to my dad's HBO treatment, I saw it. It was hanging around the back yard! I went over, took a picture of it and I sent the picture to my Sweetheart. He sends me a text that reads: "Too funny. Do not bring it home". Just because I try to bring stray dogs home all the time, he thinks I want to bring a chicken home!

So he knows, I only thought about it for a second then abandoned the idea. After all, I don't know how to take care of a chicken!!


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