Friday, May 28, 2010

A Graduation Card

My nephew Chevy graduated from junior high school on Wednesday. My sister is having a dinner for him on Saturday to celebrate his accomplishment. I just had to make a card for him. I used the guitars because he LOVES music and guitars. He has an acoustic and electric guitar which he loves playing.

Here's the front:
And here's the inside. I included his school name, mascot and graduation date on the inside of the card:

Oh, and Grievous helped:

Congratulations on being promoted to 9th grade Chevy! We are all very proud of you!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Thank you card

My Sweetheart's colleague went to Italy on vacation and was kind enough to bring us back some souvenirs! My absolute favorite is this rosary that he brought us from his visit to The Vatican. The rosary was blessed by Pope Benedict XVI. It's simply beautiful.

I crafted up a little Thank You card to show him my appreciation.

Thank you Mark for being so thoughtful!!

Grievous' Domain...

When I can't find Grievous inside the house, I look out the back door and there he is. Sun bathing in his favorite corner of the yard. He LOVES soaking in the sun! The weather is especially nice in the mornings so that's his favorite time of day to sit out there.

He loves playing in the back yard. He has a doggie door so he runs in and out as he pleases. He totally loves that! Before we installed the doggie door we would play the "let me let me in" game. It was not fun for any of us. But now, he has free reign and he totally loves it!

As I was getting dressed for work on Monday, I didn't see him on his usual spot in the living room so I looked outside. He happened to see me peeking out and he looked at me but didn't move so I ran and grabbed the camera and took this shot:

I also got a shot of the flower garden we planted last summer. The flowers on the left are growing so much faster than the ones on the right. We think there's a clog in the watering system on the right side. We planted vines that will eventually make their way up the trellis. The bottom tier had some really nice ground cover on it until Grievous got his paw prints all over it and smashed it. He likes to climb in the bottom tier so he can drink water from the fountain.

And the tree in the picture below, that's Leia. We bought two trees last year when we did the landscaping. One is Luke, that's my Sweetheart's tree. His tree is on the other side of the flower garden. My tree is Leia. She's getting bigger and bigger. Soon I'll be able to hang a bird house on her or something....

Just a random posting about my Grievie and his backyard!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


I was in Tucson today, as I am every Tuesday, helping my dad. He has therapy every day and I, along with my sister and my niece and my mom, take turns helping take him to therapy and helping him throughout the day. I love spending time with my dad, I just wish it were under different circumstances. My nephew helps us a great deal. He actually helps Monday through Friday. He's such a good kid. Thanks AJ!

Today, while my dad was in therapy, AJ and I went up to A-Mountain. I had not been up there in like 20 years. It was so much fun. I took a picture with my phone when we got up there. It's hard to make out (unless you know what you are looking at) but the "A" is painted red, white and blue. Awesome.

By the way, GO SUNS!!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Spring/Summer Colors

About 2 months ago, I decided I wanted to change the colors in the living room, dining area and kitchen to have more of a spring/summer feel. I wanted to lighten up the room but I didn't want to change the wall color. My Sweetheart would have a heart attack if I told him I was repainting the entire room. :)

Instead I added cream and apple green to the room. It was a subtle change but a nice change none the less. Apple green candles from Ikea and a cream colored bouquet:

Cream colored curtains in the living room and dining area. Cream colored pillows with a touch of apple green. An apple green throw. More Ikea candles:

I carried the theme into the dining area. Cream curtains and apple green place mats.

I even bought some faux green apples which I placed in a white bowl and placed on the kitchen counter. My Sweetheart thought they were real until he picked one up and said "why the heck do we have fake apples in this bowl????" For decoration Sweetheart, for decoration. :)

Two new projects on the horizon. New kitchen curtains to match my new theme and re-do of the spare bedroom. New paint on walls, new's exciting!

Birthday Card Time

It's my Aunt Mary's birthday tomorrow so we are heading down to Tucson for her birthday dinner. I hope she likes the card I made for her! It's one of my favorites. It's a bit hard to see the stamp I used but it reads: May your birthday be as special as you are. Aunt Mary is very special to us, we can't wait to celebrate with her!

I always look forward to the ride to Tucson. It gives me and My Sweetheart two whole hours of alone time. Good times!