Thursday, May 27, 2010

Grievous' Domain...

When I can't find Grievous inside the house, I look out the back door and there he is. Sun bathing in his favorite corner of the yard. He LOVES soaking in the sun! The weather is especially nice in the mornings so that's his favorite time of day to sit out there.

He loves playing in the back yard. He has a doggie door so he runs in and out as he pleases. He totally loves that! Before we installed the doggie door we would play the "let me let me in" game. It was not fun for any of us. But now, he has free reign and he totally loves it!

As I was getting dressed for work on Monday, I didn't see him on his usual spot in the living room so I looked outside. He happened to see me peeking out and he looked at me but didn't move so I ran and grabbed the camera and took this shot:

I also got a shot of the flower garden we planted last summer. The flowers on the left are growing so much faster than the ones on the right. We think there's a clog in the watering system on the right side. We planted vines that will eventually make their way up the trellis. The bottom tier had some really nice ground cover on it until Grievous got his paw prints all over it and smashed it. He likes to climb in the bottom tier so he can drink water from the fountain.

And the tree in the picture below, that's Leia. We bought two trees last year when we did the landscaping. One is Luke, that's my Sweetheart's tree. His tree is on the other side of the flower garden. My tree is Leia. She's getting bigger and bigger. Soon I'll be able to hang a bird house on her or something....

Just a random posting about my Grievie and his backyard!

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