There was zero Black Friday activity at he PPD household. Well, I take that back; an attempt was made. On our way back from Tucson on Thanksgiving night, I had convinced Sweetheart to drop me off at Target so I could do some Black Friday shopping. He was then going to pick me up hours later when I was done. Well I made it as far as the parking lot. The store opened at 9pm and we got there about 9:45 -- the parking lot was the fullest I have EVER seen it. As we drove to the front of the store where Sweetheart was going to drop me off, we found ourselves among erratically driving, maniac shoppers. I decided to just head home.
So Friday, Saturday and Sunday was black Friday shopping free. Instead what we did was put away all the Thanksgiving decor and put out ALL the Christmas decor. We trimmed the tree, hung the outdoor Christmas lights, put up the Nativity scene and my Christmas Village. It was a very ambitious plan that I put together on Thursday night on the ride home from Tucson. Luckily, Sweetheart was on board and we got it all done.
All except the pictures which I'll post as soon as I can. I have every Friday from now until January off and a few days in between. I am so going to enjoy this wonderful holiday season!