Monday, November 26, 2012

Thanksgiving weekend

There was zero Black Friday activity at he PPD household.  Well, I take that back; an attempt was made.  On our way back from Tucson on Thanksgiving night, I had convinced Sweetheart to drop me off at Target so I could do some Black Friday shopping.   He was then going to pick me up hours later when I was done. Well I made it as far as the parking lot.  The store opened at 9pm and we got there about 9:45 -- the parking lot was the fullest I have EVER seen it.   As we drove to the front of the store where Sweetheart was going to drop me off, we found ourselves among erratically driving, maniac shoppers.  I decided to just head home.

So Friday, Saturday and Sunday was black Friday shopping free.  Instead what we did was put away all the Thanksgiving decor and put out ALL the Christmas decor.  We trimmed the tree, hung the outdoor Christmas lights, put up the Nativity scene and my Christmas Village.  It was a very ambitious plan that I put together on Thursday night on the ride home from Tucson.  Luckily, Sweetheart was on board and we got it all done.

All except the pictures which I'll post as soon as I can.  I have every Friday from now until January off and a few days in between.  I am so going to enjoy this wonderful holiday season!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Thanksgiving Style

Time for another tour.....

(Click to photo to enlarge)
I used the same wreath that I made in 2010 here and it's holding up pretty well.  Apparently, I was on a feather kick that year...

The entrance way table has Mr. and Mrs. Pilgrim, one of many around the house: 

I love the colors of Autumn with the glow of candles...

Pumpkins and pine cones add that touch of holiday charm:

On the coffee table, more pumpkins and pine cones to give a hint of Thanksgiving:

In the dining area, I added some Thanksgiving subway art, pine cones and berries:

Along with more pumpkins, candles and  a berry wreath:

Another set of pilgrims: 

A simple centerpiece of pumpkins and gourds:

 I made this a few years ago too.  I hung this one on the garage door:

More pilgrim people:

A splash of color here and there with these cute pumpkins:

In addition to my pilgrims, I have Indians too:

And again, since I don't have an actual mantle, I pretend:

Autumn leaves and candles makes for a very simple, yet warm (pretend) mantle. 

I love having an entire month of warm fall colors to really get us in the holiday mood. 
Next up:  CHRISTMAS! 

Thursday, November 1, 2012

My Halloween Treat

Sweetheart surprised me with a Halloween treat yesterday.  He sent me a bouquet of flowers that were formed into two little doggies: a devil and an angel!    The picture just does not do the actual arrangement justice, it is absolutely adorable!  The two "doggies" are sitting in a wicker basket shaped like a doggy bed.
I was so surprised when the receptionist brought them over to me -- what a truly thoughtful guy he is!  When I called him to thank him, I asked him why he sent them.  His answer was simple:  "you deserve them".

Flowers always make a girl feel special, but a "just because" bouquet makes a girl feel on top of the world! 

Thank you Sweetheart, I am truly a lucky girl!