Wow! Maintaining a blog site is not as easy as it looks! I loves reading my daily blogs and for some reason I always thought well that looks like fun! Well, it's really hard work! I generally catch up on my blog reading while at work so it's rare that I read blogs at home. That in itself is the problem here. I realized I need to schedule time in my evenings to maintain my daily (or even weekly!) blog. Tonight I sat down and created a schedule for myself so that I can try to update my post at least 3 times per week.
There's so many things going on here, I should have plenty of projects to keep me busy. By the way, I finally got to some of my projects that I was working on in July. Here's the list:
Paint front door - done
Paint flower pot at front door - done
Buy (drought/heat tolerant) flowers for pot - done
Go to Marshalls and Home Goods in Chandler to see if I can find matching bowls for cake plate I just bought - done
Start designing guest bedroom makeover
Plan master bedroom furniture painting project
Not bad, eh? So the guest bedroom and the master bedroom are still untouched.....I'll get to that later.
Well, that's all for now. I can't wait to start posting and sharing pictures again.